Child & Spousal Maintenance

Maintenance in Divorce

JHB Divorce

Specialists in the awarding of fair and equitable maintenance in divorce

Your important questions answered

There are many questions asked concerning child maintenance and spousal maintenance in a divorce scenario as this is usually the area of most dispute and even outright conflict. We attempt to help you understand the parameters of maintenance by answering a few of these commonly asked questions.

To whom is maintenance awarded?

Maintenance can be awarded to either spouse in a divorce and of course to the spouse holding primary residence of the children, as per the Court order. It is important to distinguish between these two different types of maintenance:

  • Child maintenance – It is critical to ensure that your child is well looked after, and the law dictates that this is the responsibility of both parties until the child becomes self-supporting. Each parent, dependent on their income, must contribute equally to the upbringing and well-being of their child. Firstly, the reasonable monthly need of the minor child has to be established, hereafter each parent is responsible to assist and make payment in relation to the child’s needs, in proportion to the parent’s net income. There are of course intricate rules which apply, and this is exactly where our expertise comes into play.
  • Spousal maintenance – In South African law neither spouse is automatically entitled to maintenance support and in fact there is an encouragement from our law makers to become financially independent of each other as soon as possible. In addition, there are different types of spousal maintenance, for example “rehabilitative spousal maintenance”. This form of maintenance is for a set period in time, normally between 1 – 24 months after which the obligation to make payment ceases to exist. There are various factors taken into consideration when one is to establish a spousal maintenance need, we discuss these factors hereinbelow.

How do the court decide if I’m entitled to receive spousal maintenance?

The court takes the following factors into account when deciding if one party is entitled to Spousal maintenance.

  • Existing and future earnings
  • Educational qualifications
  • Financial obligations
  • The age of the parties
  • The length of the marriage
  • The claimant’s current standard of living

Why do I need a Divorce Attorney to assist with the awarding of spousal maintenance?

The law can be intricate when it comes to maintenance as it is based on the obligation to maintain a standard of living as well as income levels. It is important that a Divorce Attorney assists you in securing the standard of living to which you have become accustomed. Importantly, if you do not claim spousal maintenance during divorce proceedings you cannot in future proceed with a claim. Therefore, the claim for spousal maintenance is only open for consideration during divorce proceedings, thereafter and if you have not claimed spousal maintenance, you will not be able to do so in future.

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